Class default


  • Base
  • GenTable
  • LLM
    • default


  • Creates an instance of APIClient.


    • __namedParameters: Config

    Returns default


httpClient: AxiosInstance
maxRetries: number
timeout: undefined | number


  • Parameters

    • params: {
          cols: {
              dtype?: "float" | "int" | "bool" | "str";
              gen_config?: null | {
                  frequency_penalty?: number;
                  id?: string;
                  logit_bias?: Record<string, any>;
                  max_tokens?: number;
                  messages?: {
                      content: string;
                      name?: null | string;
                      role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
                  model?: string;
                  n?: number;
                  presence_penalty?: number;
                  rag_params?: null | {
                      concat_reranker_input?: boolean;
                      document_ids?: string[];
                      fetch_k?: number;
                      k?: number;
                      rank_profile?: "bm25" | "semantic" | "hybrid" | "hybrid_log";
                      rerank?: boolean;
                      search_query?: string;
                  stop?: string[];
                  temperature?: number;
                  tool_choice?: null | string | {
                      function: {
                          description?: string;
                          name: string;
                          parameters: Record<string, any>;
                      type?: string;
                  tools?: null | {
                      function: {
                          description?: string;
                          name: string;
                          parameters: Record<string, any>;
                      type?: string;
                  top_p?: number;
                  user?: string;
              id: string;
              index?: boolean;
              vlen?: number;
          id: string;
      • cols: {
            dtype?: "float" | "int" | "bool" | "str";
            gen_config?: null | {
                frequency_penalty?: number;
                id?: string;
                logit_bias?: Record<string, any>;
                max_tokens?: number;
                messages?: {
                    content: string;
                    name?: null | string;
                    role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
                model?: string;
                n?: number;
                presence_penalty?: number;
                rag_params?: null | {
                    concat_reranker_input?: boolean;
                    document_ids?: string[];
                    fetch_k?: number;
                    k?: number;
                    rank_profile?: "bm25" | "semantic" | "hybrid" | "hybrid_log";
                    rerank?: boolean;
                    search_query?: string;
                stop?: string[];
                temperature?: number;
                tool_choice?: null | string | {
                    function: {
                        description?: string;
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<string, any>;
                    type?: string;
                tools?: null | {
                    function: {
                        description?: string;
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<string, any>;
                    type?: string;
                top_p?: number;
                user?: string;
            id: string;
            index?: boolean;
            vlen?: number;
      • id: string

    Returns Promise<{
        cols: {
            dtype?: "float" | "int" | "int8" | "float64" | "float32" | "float16" | "bool" | "str" | "date-time" | "file" | "bytes";
            gen_config?: null | {
                frequency_penalty?: number;
                id?: string;
                logit_bias?: Record<string, any>;
                max_tokens?: number;
                messages?: {
                    content: string;
                    name?: null | string;
                    role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
                model?: string;
                n?: number;
                presence_penalty?: number;
                rag_params?: null | {
                    concat_reranker_input?: boolean;
                    document_ids?: string[];
                    fetch_k?: number;
                    k?: number;
                    rank_profile?: "bm25" | "semantic" | "hybrid" | "hybrid_log";
                    rerank?: boolean;
                    search_query?: string;
                stop?: string[];
                temperature?: number;
                tool_choice?: null | string | {
                    function: {
                        description?: string;
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<string, any>;
                    type?: string;
                tools?: null | {
                    function: {
                        description?: (...) | (...);
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<(...), (...)>;
                    type?: string;
                top_p?: number;
                user?: string;
            id: string;
            index?: boolean;
            vlen?: number;
        id: string;
        indexed_at_fts: null | string;
        indexed_at_sca: null | string;
        indexed_at_vec: null | string;
        lock_till?: null | number;
        num_rows: number;
        parent_id: null | string;
        title: string;
        updated_at: string;

  • Parameters

    • params: {
          cols: {
              dtype?: "float" | "int" | "bool" | "str";
              gen_config?: null | {
                  frequency_penalty?: number;
                  id?: string;
                  logit_bias?: Record<string, any>;
                  max_tokens?: number;
                  messages?: {
                      content: string;
                      name?: null | string;
                      role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
                  model?: string;
                  n?: number;
                  presence_penalty?: number;
                  rag_params?: null | {
                      concat_reranker_input?: boolean;
                      document_ids?: string[];
                      fetch_k?: number;
                      k?: number;
                      rank_profile?: "bm25" | "semantic" | "hybrid" | "hybrid_log";
                      rerank?: boolean;
                      search_query?: string;
                  stop?: string[];
                  temperature?: number;
                  tool_choice?: null | string | {
                      function: {
                          description?: string;
                          name: string;
                          parameters: Record<string, any>;
                      type?: string;
                  tools?: null | {
                      function: {
                          description?: string;
                          name: string;
                          parameters: Record<string, any>;
                      type?: string;
                  top_p?: number;
                  user?: string;
              id: string;
              index?: boolean;
              vlen?: number;
          id: string;
      • cols: {
            dtype?: "float" | "int" | "bool" | "str";
            gen_config?: null | {
                frequency_penalty?: number;
                id?: string;
                logit_bias?: Record<string, any>;
                max_tokens?: number;
                messages?: {
                    content: string;
                    name?: null | string;
                    role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
                model?: string;
                n?: number;
                presence_penalty?: number;
                rag_params?: null | {
                    concat_reranker_input?: boolean;
                    document_ids?: string[];
                    fetch_k?: number;
                    k?: number;
                    rank_profile?: "bm25" | "semantic" | "hybrid" | "hybrid_log";
                    rerank?: boolean;
                    search_query?: string;
                stop?: string[];
                temperature?: number;
                tool_choice?: null | string | {
                    function: {
                        description?: string;
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<string, any>;
                    type?: string;
                tools?: null | {
                    function: {
                        description?: string;
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<string, any>;
                    type?: string;
                top_p?: number;
                user?: string;
            id: string;
            index?: boolean;
            vlen?: number;
      • id: string

    Returns Promise<{
        cols: {
            dtype?: "float" | "int" | "int8" | "float64" | "float32" | "float16" | "bool" | "str" | "date-time" | "file" | "bytes";
            gen_config?: null | {
                frequency_penalty?: number;
                id?: string;
                logit_bias?: Record<string, any>;
                max_tokens?: number;
                messages?: {
                    content: string;
                    name?: null | string;
                    role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
                model?: string;
                n?: number;
                presence_penalty?: number;
                rag_params?: null | {
                    concat_reranker_input?: boolean;
                    document_ids?: string[];
                    fetch_k?: number;
                    k?: number;
                    rank_profile?: "bm25" | "semantic" | "hybrid" | "hybrid_log";
                    rerank?: boolean;
                    search_query?: string;
                stop?: string[];
                temperature?: number;
                tool_choice?: null | string | {
                    function: {
                        description?: string;
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<string, any>;
                    type?: string;
                tools?: null | {
                    function: {
                        description?: (...) | (...);
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<(...), (...)>;
                    type?: string;
                top_p?: number;
                user?: string;
            id: string;
            index?: boolean;
            vlen?: number;
        id: string;
        indexed_at_fts: null | string;
        indexed_at_sca: null | string;
        indexed_at_vec: null | string;
        lock_till?: null | number;
        num_rows: number;
        parent_id: null | string;
        title: string;
        updated_at: string;

  • Parameters

    • params: {
          cols: {
              dtype?: "float" | "int" | "bool" | "str";
              gen_config?: null | {
                  frequency_penalty?: number;
                  id?: string;
                  logit_bias?: Record<string, any>;
                  max_tokens?: number;
                  messages?: {
                      content: string;
                      name?: null | string;
                      role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
                  model?: string;
                  n?: number;
                  presence_penalty?: number;
                  rag_params?: null | {
                      concat_reranker_input?: boolean;
                      document_ids?: string[];
                      fetch_k?: number;
                      k?: number;
                      rank_profile?: "bm25" | "semantic" | "hybrid" | "hybrid_log";
                      rerank?: boolean;
                      search_query?: string;
                  stop?: string[];
                  temperature?: number;
                  tool_choice?: null | string | {
                      function: {
                          description?: string;
                          name: string;
                          parameters: Record<string, any>;
                      type?: string;
                  tools?: null | {
                      function: {
                          description?: string;
                          name: string;
                          parameters: Record<string, any>;
                      type?: string;
                  top_p?: number;
                  user?: string;
              id: string;
              index?: boolean;
              vlen?: number;
          id: string;
      • cols: {
            dtype?: "float" | "int" | "bool" | "str";
            gen_config?: null | {
                frequency_penalty?: number;
                id?: string;
                logit_bias?: Record<string, any>;
                max_tokens?: number;
                messages?: {
                    content: string;
                    name?: null | string;
                    role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
                model?: string;
                n?: number;
                presence_penalty?: number;
                rag_params?: null | {
                    concat_reranker_input?: boolean;
                    document_ids?: string[];
                    fetch_k?: number;
                    k?: number;
                    rank_profile?: "bm25" | "semantic" | "hybrid" | "hybrid_log";
                    rerank?: boolean;
                    search_query?: string;
                stop?: string[];
                temperature?: number;
                tool_choice?: null | string | {
                    function: {
                        description?: string;
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<string, any>;
                    type?: string;
                tools?: null | {
                    function: {
                        description?: string;
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<string, any>;
                    type?: string;
                top_p?: number;
                user?: string;
            id: string;
            index?: boolean;
            vlen?: number;
      • id: string

    Returns Promise<{
        cols: {
            dtype?: "float" | "int" | "int8" | "float64" | "float32" | "float16" | "bool" | "str" | "date-time" | "file" | "bytes";
            gen_config?: null | {
                frequency_penalty?: number;
                id?: string;
                logit_bias?: Record<string, any>;
                max_tokens?: number;
                messages?: {
                    content: string;
                    name?: null | string;
                    role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
                model?: string;
                n?: number;
                presence_penalty?: number;
                rag_params?: null | {
                    concat_reranker_input?: boolean;
                    document_ids?: string[];
                    fetch_k?: number;
                    k?: number;
                    rank_profile?: "bm25" | "semantic" | "hybrid" | "hybrid_log";
                    rerank?: boolean;
                    search_query?: string;
                stop?: string[];
                temperature?: number;
                tool_choice?: null | string | {
                    function: {
                        description?: string;
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<string, any>;
                    type?: string;
                tools?: null | {
                    function: {
                        description?: (...) | (...);
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<(...), (...)>;
                    type?: string;
                top_p?: number;
                user?: string;
            id: string;
            index?: boolean;
            vlen?: number;
        id: string;
        indexed_at_fts: null | string;
        indexed_at_sca: null | string;
        indexed_at_vec: null | string;
        lock_till?: null | number;
        num_rows: number;
        parent_id: null | string;
        title: string;
        updated_at: string;

  • Parameters

    • params: {
          concurrent: boolean;
          data: Record<string, any>[];
          reindex: null | boolean;
          table_id: string;
          table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat";
      • concurrent: boolean
      • data: Record<string, any>[]
      • reindex: null | boolean
      • table_id: string
      • table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat"

    Returns Promise<{
        object: "gen_table.completion.rows";
        rows: {
            columns: Record<string, {
                choices: ({
                    finish_reason: (...) | (...);
                    index: number;
                    message: {
                        content: ...;
                        name?: ...;
                        role: ...;
                }[] | {
                    delta: (...) | (...);
                    finish_reason: (...) | (...);
                    index: number;
                    message: {
                        content: ...;
                        name?: ...;
                        role: ...;
                }[]) & (undefined | {
                    finish_reason: (...) | (...);
                    index: number;
                    message: {
                        content: ...;
                        name?: ...;
                        role: ...;
                }[] | {
                    delta: (...) | (...);
                    finish_reason: (...) | (...);
                    index: number;
                    message: {
                        content: ...;
                        name?: ...;
                        role: ...;
                created: number;
                id: string;
                model: string;
                object: "chat.completion";
                references?: null | {
                    chunks: {
                        chunk_id: string;
                        document_id: string;
                        file_name: string;
                        file_path: string;
                        metadata: Record<(...), (...)>;
                        page: number;
                        text: string;
                        title: string;
                    finish_reason: null | "stop" | "context_overflow";
                    object: "chat.references";
                    search_query: string;
                usage?: null | {
                    completion_tokens: null | number;
                    prompt_tokens: null | number;
                    total_tokens: null | number;
            object: "gen_table.completion.chunks";
            row_id: string;

  • Parameters

    • params: {
          concurrent: boolean;
          data: Record<string, any>[];
          reindex: null | boolean;
          table_id: string;
          table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat";
      • concurrent: boolean
      • data: Record<string, any>[]
      • reindex: null | boolean
      • table_id: string
      • table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat"

    Returns Promise<ReadableStream<{
        choices: ({
            finish_reason: null | string;
            index: number;
            message: {
                content: string;
                name?: null | string;
                role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
        }[] | {
            delta: null | {
                content: string;
                name?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                role: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
            finish_reason: null | string;
            index: number;
            message: {
                content: string;
                name?: null | string;
                role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
        }[]) & (undefined | {
            finish_reason: null | string;
            index: number;
            message: {
                content: string;
                name?: null | string;
                role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
        }[] | {
            delta: null | {
                content: string;
                name?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                role: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
            finish_reason: null | string;
            index: number;
            message: {
                content: string;
                name?: null | string;
                role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
        created: number;
        id: string;
        model: string;
        object: "gen_table.completion.chunk";
        output_column_name: string;
        references?: null | {
            chunks: {
                chunk_id: string;
                document_id: string;
                file_name: string;
                file_path: string;
                metadata: Record<string, any>;
                page: number;
                text: string;
                title: string;
            finish_reason: null | "stop" | "context_overflow";
            object: "chat.references";
            search_query: string;
        row_id: string;
        usage?: null | {
            completion_tokens: null | number;
            prompt_tokens: null | number;
            total_tokens: null | number;
    } | {
        chunks: {
            chunk_id: string;
            document_id: string;
            file_name: string;
            file_path: string;
            metadata: Record<string, any>;
            page: number;
            text: string;
            title: string;
        finish_reason: null | "stop" | "context_overflow";
        object: "gen_table.references";
        output_column_name: string;
        search_query: string;

  • Parameters

    • params: {
          cols: {
              dtype?: "float" | "int" | "bool" | "str";
              gen_config?: null | {
                  frequency_penalty?: number;
                  id?: string;
                  logit_bias?: Record<string, any>;
                  max_tokens?: number;
                  messages?: {
                      content: string;
                      name?: null | string;
                      role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
                  model?: string;
                  n?: number;
                  presence_penalty?: number;
                  rag_params?: null | {
                      concat_reranker_input?: boolean;
                      document_ids?: string[];
                      fetch_k?: number;
                      k?: number;
                      rank_profile?: "bm25" | "semantic" | "hybrid" | "hybrid_log";
                      rerank?: boolean;
                      search_query?: string;
                  stop?: string[];
                  temperature?: number;
                  tool_choice?: null | string | {
                      function: {
                          description?: string;
                          name: string;
                          parameters: Record<string, any>;
                      type?: string;
                  tools?: null | {
                      function: {
                          description?: string;
                          name: string;
                          parameters: Record<string, any>;
                      type?: string;
                  top_p?: number;
                  user?: string;
              id: string;
              index?: boolean;
              vlen?: number;
          id: string;
      • cols: {
            dtype?: "float" | "int" | "bool" | "str";
            gen_config?: null | {
                frequency_penalty?: number;
                id?: string;
                logit_bias?: Record<string, any>;
                max_tokens?: number;
                messages?: {
                    content: string;
                    name?: null | string;
                    role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
                model?: string;
                n?: number;
                presence_penalty?: number;
                rag_params?: null | {
                    concat_reranker_input?: boolean;
                    document_ids?: string[];
                    fetch_k?: number;
                    k?: number;
                    rank_profile?: "bm25" | "semantic" | "hybrid" | "hybrid_log";
                    rerank?: boolean;
                    search_query?: string;
                stop?: string[];
                temperature?: number;
                tool_choice?: null | string | {
                    function: {
                        description?: string;
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<string, any>;
                    type?: string;
                tools?: null | {
                    function: {
                        description?: string;
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<string, any>;
                    type?: string;
                top_p?: number;
                user?: string;
            id: string;
            index?: boolean;
            vlen?: number;
      • id: string

    Returns Promise<{
        cols: {
            dtype?: "float" | "int" | "int8" | "float64" | "float32" | "float16" | "bool" | "str" | "date-time" | "file" | "bytes";
            gen_config?: null | {
                frequency_penalty?: number;
                id?: string;
                logit_bias?: Record<string, any>;
                max_tokens?: number;
                messages?: {
                    content: string;
                    name?: null | string;
                    role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
                model?: string;
                n?: number;
                presence_penalty?: number;
                rag_params?: null | {
                    concat_reranker_input?: boolean;
                    document_ids?: string[];
                    fetch_k?: number;
                    k?: number;
                    rank_profile?: "bm25" | "semantic" | "hybrid" | "hybrid_log";
                    rerank?: boolean;
                    search_query?: string;
                stop?: string[];
                temperature?: number;
                tool_choice?: null | string | {
                    function: {
                        description?: string;
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<string, any>;
                    type?: string;
                tools?: null | {
                    function: {
                        description?: (...) | (...);
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<(...), (...)>;
                    type?: string;
                top_p?: number;
                user?: string;
            id: string;
            index?: boolean;
            vlen?: number;
        id: string;
        indexed_at_fts: null | string;
        indexed_at_sca: null | string;
        indexed_at_vec: null | string;
        lock_till?: null | number;
        num_rows: number;
        parent_id: null | string;
        title: string;
        updated_at: string;

  • Parameters

    • params: {
          cols: {
              dtype?: "float" | "int" | "bool" | "str";
              gen_config?: null | {
                  frequency_penalty?: number;
                  id?: string;
                  logit_bias?: Record<string, any>;
                  max_tokens?: number;
                  messages?: {
                      content: string;
                      name?: null | string;
                      role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
                  model?: string;
                  n?: number;
                  presence_penalty?: number;
                  rag_params?: null | {
                      concat_reranker_input?: boolean;
                      document_ids?: string[];
                      fetch_k?: number;
                      k?: number;
                      rank_profile?: "bm25" | "semantic" | "hybrid" | "hybrid_log";
                      rerank?: boolean;
                      search_query?: string;
                  stop?: string[];
                  temperature?: number;
                  tool_choice?: null | string | {
                      function: {
                          description?: string;
                          name: string;
                          parameters: Record<string, any>;
                      type?: string;
                  tools?: null | {
                      function: {
                          description?: string;
                          name: string;
                          parameters: Record<string, any>;
                      type?: string;
                  top_p?: number;
                  user?: string;
              id: string;
              index?: boolean;
              vlen?: number;
          id: string;
      • cols: {
            dtype?: "float" | "int" | "bool" | "str";
            gen_config?: null | {
                frequency_penalty?: number;
                id?: string;
                logit_bias?: Record<string, any>;
                max_tokens?: number;
                messages?: {
                    content: string;
                    name?: null | string;
                    role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
                model?: string;
                n?: number;
                presence_penalty?: number;
                rag_params?: null | {
                    concat_reranker_input?: boolean;
                    document_ids?: string[];
                    fetch_k?: number;
                    k?: number;
                    rank_profile?: "bm25" | "semantic" | "hybrid" | "hybrid_log";
                    rerank?: boolean;
                    search_query?: string;
                stop?: string[];
                temperature?: number;
                tool_choice?: null | string | {
                    function: {
                        description?: string;
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<string, any>;
                    type?: string;
                tools?: null | {
                    function: {
                        description?: string;
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<string, any>;
                    type?: string;
                top_p?: number;
                user?: string;
            id: string;
            index?: boolean;
            vlen?: number;
      • id: string

    Returns Promise<{
        cols: {
            dtype?: "float" | "int" | "int8" | "float64" | "float32" | "float16" | "bool" | "str" | "date-time" | "file" | "bytes";
            gen_config?: null | {
                frequency_penalty?: number;
                id?: string;
                logit_bias?: Record<string, any>;
                max_tokens?: number;
                messages?: {
                    content: string;
                    name?: null | string;
                    role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
                model?: string;
                n?: number;
                presence_penalty?: number;
                rag_params?: null | {
                    concat_reranker_input?: boolean;
                    document_ids?: string[];
                    fetch_k?: number;
                    k?: number;
                    rank_profile?: "bm25" | "semantic" | "hybrid" | "hybrid_log";
                    rerank?: boolean;
                    search_query?: string;
                stop?: string[];
                temperature?: number;
                tool_choice?: null | string | {
                    function: {
                        description?: string;
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<string, any>;
                    type?: string;
                tools?: null | {
                    function: {
                        description?: (...) | (...);
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<(...), (...)>;
                    type?: string;
                top_p?: number;
                user?: string;
            id: string;
            index?: boolean;
            vlen?: number;
        id: string;
        indexed_at_fts: null | string;
        indexed_at_sca: null | string;
        indexed_at_vec: null | string;
        lock_till?: null | number;
        num_rows: number;
        parent_id: null | string;
        title: string;
        updated_at: string;

  • Parameters

    • params: {
          cols: {
              dtype?: "float" | "int" | "bool" | "str";
              gen_config?: null | {
                  frequency_penalty?: number;
                  id?: string;
                  logit_bias?: Record<string, any>;
                  max_tokens?: number;
                  messages?: {
                      content: string;
                      name?: null | string;
                      role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
                  model?: string;
                  n?: number;
                  presence_penalty?: number;
                  rag_params?: null | {
                      concat_reranker_input?: boolean;
                      document_ids?: string[];
                      fetch_k?: number;
                      k?: number;
                      rank_profile?: "bm25" | "semantic" | "hybrid" | "hybrid_log";
                      rerank?: boolean;
                      search_query?: string;
                  stop?: string[];
                  temperature?: number;
                  tool_choice?: null | string | {
                      function: {
                          description?: string;
                          name: string;
                          parameters: Record<string, any>;
                      type?: string;
                  tools?: null | {
                      function: {
                          description?: string;
                          name: string;
                          parameters: Record<string, any>;
                      type?: string;
                  top_p?: number;
                  user?: string;
              id: string;
              index?: boolean;
              vlen?: number;
          embedding_model: string;
          id: string;
      • cols: {
            dtype?: "float" | "int" | "bool" | "str";
            gen_config?: null | {
                frequency_penalty?: number;
                id?: string;
                logit_bias?: Record<string, any>;
                max_tokens?: number;
                messages?: {
                    content: string;
                    name?: null | string;
                    role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
                model?: string;
                n?: number;
                presence_penalty?: number;
                rag_params?: null | {
                    concat_reranker_input?: boolean;
                    document_ids?: string[];
                    fetch_k?: number;
                    k?: number;
                    rank_profile?: "bm25" | "semantic" | "hybrid" | "hybrid_log";
                    rerank?: boolean;
                    search_query?: string;
                stop?: string[];
                temperature?: number;
                tool_choice?: null | string | {
                    function: {
                        description?: string;
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<string, any>;
                    type?: string;
                tools?: null | {
                    function: {
                        description?: string;
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<string, any>;
                    type?: string;
                top_p?: number;
                user?: string;
            id: string;
            index?: boolean;
            vlen?: number;
      • embedding_model: string
      • id: string

    Returns Promise<{
        cols: {
            dtype?: "float" | "int" | "int8" | "float64" | "float32" | "float16" | "bool" | "str" | "date-time" | "file" | "bytes";
            gen_config?: null | {
                frequency_penalty?: number;
                id?: string;
                logit_bias?: Record<string, any>;
                max_tokens?: number;
                messages?: {
                    content: string;
                    name?: null | string;
                    role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
                model?: string;
                n?: number;
                presence_penalty?: number;
                rag_params?: null | {
                    concat_reranker_input?: boolean;
                    document_ids?: string[];
                    fetch_k?: number;
                    k?: number;
                    rank_profile?: "bm25" | "semantic" | "hybrid" | "hybrid_log";
                    rerank?: boolean;
                    search_query?: string;
                stop?: string[];
                temperature?: number;
                tool_choice?: null | string | {
                    function: {
                        description?: string;
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<string, any>;
                    type?: string;
                tools?: null | {
                    function: {
                        description?: (...) | (...);
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<(...), (...)>;
                    type?: string;
                top_p?: number;
                user?: string;
            id: string;
            index?: boolean;
            vlen?: number;
        id: string;
        indexed_at_fts: null | string;
        indexed_at_sca: null | string;
        indexed_at_vec: null | string;
        lock_till?: null | number;
        num_rows: number;
        parent_id: null | string;
        title: string;
        updated_at: string;

  • Parameters

    • params: {
          reindex: boolean;
          row_id: string;
          table_id: string;
          table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat";
      • reindex: boolean
      • row_id: string
      • table_id: string
      • table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat"

    Returns Promise<{
        ok: boolean;

  • Parameters

    • params: {
          reindex: boolean;
          table_id: string;
          table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat";
          where?: string;
      • reindex: boolean
      • table_id: string
      • table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat"
      • Optional where?: string

        Optional. SQL where clause. If not provided, will match all rows and thus deleting all table content.

    Returns Promise<{
        ok: boolean;

  • Parameters

    • params: {
          table_id: string;
          table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat";
      • table_id: string
      • table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat"

    Returns Promise<{
        ok: boolean;

  • Parameters

    • params: {
          column_names: string[];
          table_id: string;
          table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat";
      • column_names: string[]
      • table_id: string
      • table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat"

    Returns Promise<{
        cols: {
            dtype?: "float" | "int" | "int8" | "float64" | "float32" | "float16" | "bool" | "str" | "date-time" | "file" | "bytes";
            gen_config?: null | {
                frequency_penalty?: number;
                id?: string;
                logit_bias?: Record<string, any>;
                max_tokens?: number;
                messages?: {
                    content: string;
                    name?: null | string;
                    role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
                model?: string;
                n?: number;
                presence_penalty?: number;
                rag_params?: null | {
                    concat_reranker_input?: boolean;
                    document_ids?: string[];
                    fetch_k?: number;
                    k?: number;
                    rank_profile?: "bm25" | "semantic" | "hybrid" | "hybrid_log";
                    rerank?: boolean;
                    search_query?: string;
                stop?: string[];
                temperature?: number;
                tool_choice?: null | string | {
                    function: {
                        description?: string;
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<string, any>;
                    type?: string;
                tools?: null | {
                    function: {
                        description?: (...) | (...);
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<(...), (...)>;
                    type?: string;
                top_p?: number;
                user?: string;
            id: string;
            index?: boolean;
            vlen?: number;
        id: string;
        indexed_at_fts: null | string;
        indexed_at_sca: null | string;
        indexed_at_vec: null | string;
        lock_till?: null | number;
        num_rows: number;
        parent_id: null | string;
        title: string;
        updated_at: string;

  • Parameters

    • __namedParameters: {
          deploy?: boolean;
          include_data?: boolean;
          table_id_dst: string;
          table_id_src: string;
          table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat";
      • Optional deploy?: boolean
      • Optional include_data?: boolean
      • table_id_dst: string
      • table_id_src: string
      • table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat"

    Returns Promise<{
        cols: {
            dtype?: "float" | "int" | "int8" | "float64" | "float32" | "float16" | "bool" | "str" | "date-time" | "file" | "bytes";
            gen_config?: null | {
                frequency_penalty?: number;
                id?: string;
                logit_bias?: Record<string, any>;
                max_tokens?: number;
                messages?: {
                    content: string;
                    name?: null | string;
                    role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
                model?: string;
                n?: number;
                presence_penalty?: number;
                rag_params?: null | {
                    concat_reranker_input?: boolean;
                    document_ids?: string[];
                    fetch_k?: number;
                    k?: number;
                    rank_profile?: "bm25" | "semantic" | "hybrid" | "hybrid_log";
                    rerank?: boolean;
                    search_query?: string;
                stop?: string[];
                temperature?: number;
                tool_choice?: null | string | {
                    function: {
                        description?: string;
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<string, any>;
                    type?: string;
                tools?: null | {
                    function: {
                        description?: (...) | (...);
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<(...), (...)>;
                    type?: string;
                top_p?: number;
                user?: string;
            id: string;
            index?: boolean;
            vlen?: number;
        id: string;
        indexed_at_fts: null | string;
        indexed_at_sca: null | string;
        indexed_at_vec: null | string;
        lock_till?: null | number;
        num_rows: number;
        parent_id: null | string;
        title: string;
        updated_at: string;

  • Parameters

    • params: {
          columns?: null | string[];
          delimiter?: string;
          table_id: string;
          table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat";
      • Optional columns?: null | string[]
      • Optional delimiter?: string
      • table_id: string
      • table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat"

    Returns Promise<Uint8Array>

  • Parameters

    • params: {
          frequency_penalty?: number;
          id?: string;
          logit_bias?: Record<string, any>;
          max_tokens?: number;
          messages: {
              content: string;
              name?: null | string;
              role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
          model?: string;
          n?: number;
          presence_penalty?: number;
          rag_params?: null | {
              concat_reranker_input?: boolean;
              document_ids?: string[];
              fetch_k?: number;
              k?: number;
              rank_profile?: "bm25" | "semantic" | "hybrid" | "hybrid_log";
              rerank?: boolean;
              search_query?: string;
          stop?: string[];
          temperature?: number;
          tool_choice?: null | string | {
              function: {
                  description?: string;
                  name: string;
                  parameters: Record<string, any>;
              type?: string;
          tools?: null | {
              function: {
                  description?: string;
                  name: string;
                  parameters: Record<string, any>;
              type?: string;
          top_p?: number;
          user?: string;
      • Optional frequency_penalty?: number
      • Optional id?: string
      • Optional logit_bias?: Record<string, any>
      • Optional max_tokens?: number
      • messages: {
            content: string;
            name?: null | string;
            role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
      • Optional model?: string
      • Optional n?: number
      • Optional presence_penalty?: number
      • Optional rag_params?: null | {
            concat_reranker_input?: boolean;
            document_ids?: string[];
            fetch_k?: number;
            k?: number;
            rank_profile?: "bm25" | "semantic" | "hybrid" | "hybrid_log";
            rerank?: boolean;
            search_query?: string;
      • Optional stop?: string[]
      • Optional temperature?: number
      • Optional tool_choice?: null | string | {
            function: {
                description?: string;
                name: string;
                parameters: Record<string, any>;
            type?: string;
      • Optional tools?: null | {
            function: {
                description?: string;
                name: string;
                parameters: Record<string, any>;
            type?: string;
      • Optional top_p?: number
      • Optional user?: string

    Returns Promise<{
        choices: ({
            finish_reason: null | string;
            index: number;
            message: {
                content: string;
                name?: null | string;
                role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
        }[] | {
            delta: null | {
                content: string;
                name?: null | string;
                role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
            finish_reason: null | string;
            index: number;
            message: {
                content: string;
                name?: null | string;
                role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
        }[]) & (undefined | {
            finish_reason: null | string;
            index: number;
            message: {
                content: string;
                name?: null | string;
                role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
        }[] | {
            delta: null | {
                content: string;
                name?: null | string;
                role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
            finish_reason: null | string;
            index: number;
            message: {
                content: string;
                name?: null | string;
                role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
        created: number;
        id: string;
        model: string;
        object: "chat.completion";
        references?: null | {
            chunks: {
                chunk_id: string;
                document_id: string;
                file_name: string;
                file_path: string;
                metadata: Record<string, any>;
                page: number;
                text: string;
                title: string;
            finish_reason: null | "stop" | "context_overflow";
            object: "chat.references";
            search_query: string;
        usage?: null | {
            completion_tokens: null | number;
            prompt_tokens: null | number;
            total_tokens: null | number;

  • Parameters

    • params: {
          frequency_penalty?: number;
          id?: string;
          logit_bias?: Record<string, any>;
          max_tokens?: number;
          messages: {
              content: string;
              name?: null | string;
              role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
          model?: string;
          n?: number;
          presence_penalty?: number;
          rag_params?: null | {
              concat_reranker_input?: boolean;
              document_ids?: string[];
              fetch_k?: number;
              k?: number;
              rank_profile?: "bm25" | "semantic" | "hybrid" | "hybrid_log";
              rerank?: boolean;
              search_query?: string;
          stop?: string[];
          temperature?: number;
          tool_choice?: null | string | {
              function: {
                  description?: string;
                  name: string;
                  parameters: Record<string, any>;
              type?: string;
          tools?: null | {
              function: {
                  description?: string;
                  name: string;
                  parameters: Record<string, any>;
              type?: string;
          top_p?: number;
          user?: string;
      • Optional frequency_penalty?: number
      • Optional id?: string
      • Optional logit_bias?: Record<string, any>
      • Optional max_tokens?: number
      • messages: {
            content: string;
            name?: null | string;
            role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
      • Optional model?: string
      • Optional n?: number
      • Optional presence_penalty?: number
      • Optional rag_params?: null | {
            concat_reranker_input?: boolean;
            document_ids?: string[];
            fetch_k?: number;
            k?: number;
            rank_profile?: "bm25" | "semantic" | "hybrid" | "hybrid_log";
            rerank?: boolean;
            search_query?: string;
      • Optional stop?: string[]
      • Optional temperature?: number
      • Optional tool_choice?: null | string | {
            function: {
                description?: string;
                name: string;
                parameters: Record<string, any>;
            type?: string;
      • Optional tools?: null | {
            function: {
                description?: string;
                name: string;
                parameters: Record<string, any>;
            type?: string;
      • Optional top_p?: number
      • Optional user?: string

    Returns Promise<ReadableStream<{
        choices: {
            delta: null | {
                content: string;
                name?: null | string;
                role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
            finish_reason: null | string;
            index: number;
            message: {
                content: string;
                name?: null | string;
                role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
        created: number;
        id: string;
        model: string;
        object: "chat.completion.chunk";
        references?: null | {
            chunks: {
                chunk_id: string;
                document_id: string;
                file_name: string;
                file_path: string;
                metadata: Record<string, any>;
                page: number;
                text: string;
                title: string;
            finish_reason: null | "stop" | "context_overflow";
            object: "chat.references";
            search_query: string;
        usage?: null | {
            completion_tokens: null | number;
            prompt_tokens: null | number;
            total_tokens: null | number;
    } | {
        chunks: {
            chunk_id: string;
            document_id: string;
            file_name: string;
            file_path: string;
            metadata: Record<string, any>;
            page: number;
            text: string;
            title: string;
        finish_reason: null | "stop" | "context_overflow";
        object: "chat.references";
        search_query: string;

  • Parameters

    • params: {
          encoding_format?: "float" | "base64";
          input: (string | string[]) & (undefined | string | string[]);
          model: string;
          type?: "document" | "query";
      • Optional encoding_format?: "float" | "base64"
      • input: (string | string[]) & (undefined | string | string[])
      • model: string
      • Optional type?: "document" | "query"

    Returns Promise<{
        data: {
            embedding: (string | number[]) & (undefined | string | number[]);
            index: number;
            object: string;
        model: string;
        object: string;
        usage: {
            completion_tokens: null | number;
            prompt_tokens: null | number;
            total_tokens: null | number;

  • Parameters

    • params: {
          table_id: string;
      • table_id: string

    Returns Promise<{
        object: "chat.thread";
        thread: {
            content: string;
            name?: null | string;
            role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";

  • Returns Promise<AxiosResponse<any, any>>

  • Parameters

    • params: {
          columns?: null | string[];
          float_decimals?: number;
          row_id: string;
          table_id: string;
          table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat";
          vec_decimals?: number;
      • Optional columns?: null | string[]
      • Optional float_decimals?: number
      • row_id: string
      • table_id: string
      • table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat"
      • Optional vec_decimals?: number

    Returns Promise<Record<string, any>>

  • Parameters

    • params: {
          table_id: string;
          table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat";
      • table_id: string
      • table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat"

    Returns Promise<{
        cols: {
            dtype?: "float" | "int" | "int8" | "float64" | "float32" | "float16" | "bool" | "str" | "date-time" | "file" | "bytes";
            gen_config?: null | {
                frequency_penalty?: number;
                id?: string;
                logit_bias?: Record<string, any>;
                max_tokens?: number;
                messages?: {
                    content: string;
                    name?: null | string;
                    role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
                model?: string;
                n?: number;
                presence_penalty?: number;
                rag_params?: null | {
                    concat_reranker_input?: boolean;
                    document_ids?: string[];
                    fetch_k?: number;
                    k?: number;
                    rank_profile?: "bm25" | "semantic" | "hybrid" | "hybrid_log";
                    rerank?: boolean;
                    search_query?: string;
                stop?: string[];
                temperature?: number;
                tool_choice?: null | string | {
                    function: {
                        description?: string;
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<string, any>;
                    type?: string;
                tools?: null | {
                    function: {
                        description?: (...) | (...);
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<(...), (...)>;
                    type?: string;
                top_p?: number;
                user?: string;
            id: string;
            index?: boolean;
            vlen?: number;
        id: string;
        indexed_at_fts: null | string;
        indexed_at_sca: null | string;
        indexed_at_vec: null | string;
        lock_till?: null | number;
        num_rows: number;
        parent_id: null | string;
        title: string;
        updated_at: string;

  • Parameters

    • params: {
          float_decimals?: number;
          limit?: number;
          metric?: string;
          nprobes?: number;
          query: string;
          refine_factor?: number;
          reranking_model?: null | string;
          table_id: string;
          table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat";
          vec_decimals?: number;
          where?: null | string;
      • Optional float_decimals?: number
      • Optional limit?: number
      • Optional metric?: string
      • Optional nprobes?: number
      • query: string
      • Optional refine_factor?: number
      • Optional reranking_model?: null | string
      • table_id: string
      • table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat"
      • Optional vec_decimals?: number
      • Optional where?: null | string

    Returns Promise<Record<string, any>[]>

  • Parameters

    • params: {
          delimiter?: string;
          file?: File;
          file_path?: string;
          table_id: string;
          table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat";
      • Optional delimiter?: string
      • Optional file?: File
      • Optional file_path?: string
      • table_id: string
      • table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat"

    Returns Promise<{
        object: "gen_table.completion.rows";
        rows: {
            columns: Record<string, {
                choices: ({
                    finish_reason: (...) | (...);
                    index: number;
                    message: {
                        content: ...;
                        name?: ...;
                        role: ...;
                }[] | {
                    delta: (...) | (...);
                    finish_reason: (...) | (...);
                    index: number;
                    message: {
                        content: ...;
                        name?: ...;
                        role: ...;
                }[]) & (undefined | {
                    finish_reason: (...) | (...);
                    index: number;
                    message: {
                        content: ...;
                        name?: ...;
                        role: ...;
                }[] | {
                    delta: (...) | (...);
                    finish_reason: (...) | (...);
                    index: number;
                    message: {
                        content: ...;
                        name?: ...;
                        role: ...;
                created: number;
                id: string;
                model: string;
                object: "chat.completion";
                references?: null | {
                    chunks: {
                        chunk_id: string;
                        document_id: string;
                        file_name: string;
                        file_path: string;
                        metadata: Record<(...), (...)>;
                        page: number;
                        text: string;
                        title: string;
                    finish_reason: null | "stop" | "context_overflow";
                    object: "chat.references";
                    search_query: string;
                usage?: null | {
                    completion_tokens: null | number;
                    prompt_tokens: null | number;
                    total_tokens: null | number;
            object: "gen_table.completion.chunks";
            row_id: string;

  • Parameters

    • params: {
          delimiter?: string;
          file?: File;
          file_path?: string;
          table_id: string;
          table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat";
      • Optional delimiter?: string
      • Optional file?: File
      • Optional file_path?: string
      • table_id: string
      • table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat"

    Returns Promise<ReadableStream<{
        choices: ({
            finish_reason: null | string;
            index: number;
            message: {
                content: string;
                name?: null | string;
                role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
        }[] | {
            delta: null | {
                content: string;
                name?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                role: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
            finish_reason: null | string;
            index: number;
            message: {
                content: string;
                name?: null | string;
                role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
        }[]) & (undefined | {
            finish_reason: null | string;
            index: number;
            message: {
                content: string;
                name?: null | string;
                role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
        }[] | {
            delta: null | {
                content: string;
                name?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                role: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
            finish_reason: null | string;
            index: number;
            message: {
                content: string;
                name?: null | string;
                role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
        created: number;
        id: string;
        model: string;
        object: "gen_table.completion.chunk";
        output_column_name: string;
        references?: null | {
            chunks: {
                chunk_id: string;
                document_id: string;
                file_name: string;
                file_path: string;
                metadata: Record<string, any>;
                page: number;
                text: string;
                title: string;
            finish_reason: null | "stop" | "context_overflow";
            object: "chat.references";
            search_query: string;
        row_id: string;
        usage?: null | {
            completion_tokens: null | number;
            prompt_tokens: null | number;
            total_tokens: null | number;
    } | {
        chunks: {
            chunk_id: string;
            document_id: string;
            file_name: string;
            file_path: string;
            metadata: Record<string, any>;
            page: number;
            text: string;
            title: string;
        finish_reason: null | "stop" | "context_overflow";
        object: "gen_table.references";
        output_column_name: string;
        search_query: string;

  • Parameters

    • params: {
          columns?: null | string[];
          float_decimals?: number;
          limit?: number;
          offset?: number;
          search_query?: string;
          table_id: string;
          table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat";
          vec_decimals?: number;
      • Optional columns?: null | string[]
      • Optional float_decimals?: number
      • Optional limit?: number
      • Optional offset?: number
      • Optional search_query?: string
      • table_id: string
      • table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat"
      • Optional vec_decimals?: number

    Returns Promise<{
        items: Record<string, any>[];
        limit: number;
        offset: number;
        total: number;
    } & Record<string, any>>

  • Parameters

    • __namedParameters: {
          limit?: number;
          offset?: number;
          parent_id?: null | string;
          table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat";
      • Optional limit?: number
      • Optional offset?: number
      • Optional parent_id?: null | string
      • table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat"

    Returns Promise<{
        items: {
            cols: {
                dtype?: "float" | "int" | "int8" | "float64" | "float32" | "float16" | "bool" | "str" | "date-time" | "file" | "bytes";
                gen_config?: null | {
                    frequency_penalty?: number;
                    id?: string;
                    logit_bias?: Record<(...), (...)>;
                    max_tokens?: number;
                    messages?: (...)[];
                    model?: string;
                    n?: number;
                    presence_penalty?: number;
                    rag_params?: null | {
                        concat_reranker_input?: ...;
                        document_ids?: ...;
                        fetch_k?: ...;
                        k?: ...;
                        rank_profile?: ...;
                        rerank?: ...;
                        search_query?: ...;
                    stop?: (...)[];
                    temperature?: number;
                    tool_choice?: null | string | {
                        function: ...;
                        type?: ...;
                    tools?: null | (...)[];
                    top_p?: number;
                    user?: string;
                id: string;
                index?: boolean;
                vlen?: number;
            id: string;
            indexed_at_fts: null | string;
            indexed_at_sca: null | string;
            indexed_at_vec: null | string;
            lock_till?: null | number;
            num_rows: number;
            parent_id: null | string;
            title: string;
            updated_at: string;
        limit: number;
        offset: number;
        total: number;
    } & Record<string, any>>

  • Parameters

    • Optional params: {
          capabilities?: null | ("chat" | "rerank" | "completion" | "image" | "embed")[];
          model?: string;
      • Optional capabilities?: null | ("chat" | "rerank" | "completion" | "image" | "embed")[]
      • Optional model?: string

    Returns Promise<{
        data: {
            capabilities: ("chat" | "rerank" | "completion" | "image" | "embed")[];
            context_length: number;
            id: string;
            languages: string[];
            name: string;
            object: string;
            owned_by: string;
        object: "chat.model_info";

  • Parameters

    • Optional params: {
          capabilities?: null | ("chat" | "rerank" | "completion" | "image" | "embed")[];
          prefer?: string;
      • Optional capabilities?: null | ("chat" | "rerank" | "completion" | "image" | "embed")[]
      • Optional prefer?: string

    Returns Promise<string[]>

  • Parameters

    • params: {
          concurrent: boolean;
          reindex: null | boolean;
          row_ids: string[];
          table_id: string;
          table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat";
      • concurrent: boolean
      • reindex: null | boolean
      • row_ids: string[]
      • table_id: string
      • table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat"

    Returns Promise<{
        object: "gen_table.completion.rows";
        rows: {
            columns: Record<string, {
                choices: ({
                    finish_reason: (...) | (...);
                    index: number;
                    message: {
                        content: ...;
                        name?: ...;
                        role: ...;
                }[] | {
                    delta: (...) | (...);
                    finish_reason: (...) | (...);
                    index: number;
                    message: {
                        content: ...;
                        name?: ...;
                        role: ...;
                }[]) & (undefined | {
                    finish_reason: (...) | (...);
                    index: number;
                    message: {
                        content: ...;
                        name?: ...;
                        role: ...;
                }[] | {
                    delta: (...) | (...);
                    finish_reason: (...) | (...);
                    index: number;
                    message: {
                        content: ...;
                        name?: ...;
                        role: ...;
                created: number;
                id: string;
                model: string;
                object: "chat.completion";
                references?: null | {
                    chunks: {
                        chunk_id: string;
                        document_id: string;
                        file_name: string;
                        file_path: string;
                        metadata: Record<(...), (...)>;
                        page: number;
                        text: string;
                        title: string;
                    finish_reason: null | "stop" | "context_overflow";
                    object: "chat.references";
                    search_query: string;
                usage?: null | {
                    completion_tokens: null | number;
                    prompt_tokens: null | number;
                    total_tokens: null | number;
            object: "gen_table.completion.chunks";
            row_id: string;

  • Parameters

    • params: {
          concurrent: boolean;
          reindex: null | boolean;
          row_ids: string[];
          table_id: string;
          table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat";
      • concurrent: boolean
      • reindex: null | boolean
      • row_ids: string[]
      • table_id: string
      • table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat"

    Returns Promise<ReadableStream<{
        choices: ({
            finish_reason: null | string;
            index: number;
            message: {
                content: string;
                name?: null | string;
                role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
        }[] | {
            delta: null | {
                content: string;
                name?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                role: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
            finish_reason: null | string;
            index: number;
            message: {
                content: string;
                name?: null | string;
                role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
        }[]) & (undefined | {
            finish_reason: null | string;
            index: number;
            message: {
                content: string;
                name?: null | string;
                role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
        }[] | {
            delta: null | {
                content: string;
                name?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                role: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
            finish_reason: null | string;
            index: number;
            message: {
                content: string;
                name?: null | string;
                role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
        created: number;
        id: string;
        model: string;
        object: "gen_table.completion.chunk";
        output_column_name: string;
        references?: null | {
            chunks: {
                chunk_id: string;
                document_id: string;
                file_name: string;
                file_path: string;
                metadata: Record<string, any>;
                page: number;
                text: string;
                title: string;
            finish_reason: null | "stop" | "context_overflow";
            object: "chat.references";
            search_query: string;
        row_id: string;
        usage?: null | {
            completion_tokens: null | number;
            prompt_tokens: null | number;
            total_tokens: null | number;
    } | {
        chunks: {
            chunk_id: string;
            document_id: string;
            file_name: string;
            file_path: string;
            metadata: Record<string, any>;
            page: number;
            text: string;
            title: string;
        finish_reason: null | "stop" | "context_overflow";
        object: "gen_table.references";
        output_column_name: string;
        search_query: string;

  • Parameters

    • params: {
          column_map: Record<string, string>;
          table_id: string;
          table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat";
      • column_map: Record<string, string>
      • table_id: string
      • table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat"

    Returns Promise<{
        cols: {
            dtype?: "float" | "int" | "int8" | "float64" | "float32" | "float16" | "bool" | "str" | "date-time" | "file" | "bytes";
            gen_config?: null | {
                frequency_penalty?: number;
                id?: string;
                logit_bias?: Record<string, any>;
                max_tokens?: number;
                messages?: {
                    content: string;
                    name?: null | string;
                    role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
                model?: string;
                n?: number;
                presence_penalty?: number;
                rag_params?: null | {
                    concat_reranker_input?: boolean;
                    document_ids?: string[];
                    fetch_k?: number;
                    k?: number;
                    rank_profile?: "bm25" | "semantic" | "hybrid" | "hybrid_log";
                    rerank?: boolean;
                    search_query?: string;
                stop?: string[];
                temperature?: number;
                tool_choice?: null | string | {
                    function: {
                        description?: string;
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<string, any>;
                    type?: string;
                tools?: null | {
                    function: {
                        description?: (...) | (...);
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<(...), (...)>;
                    type?: string;
                top_p?: number;
                user?: string;
            id: string;
            index?: boolean;
            vlen?: number;
        id: string;
        indexed_at_fts: null | string;
        indexed_at_sca: null | string;
        indexed_at_vec: null | string;
        lock_till?: null | number;
        num_rows: number;
        parent_id: null | string;
        title: string;
        updated_at: string;

  • Parameters

    • params: {
          table_id_dst: string;
          table_id_src: string;
          table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat";
      • table_id_dst: string
      • table_id_src: string
      • table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat"

    Returns Promise<{
        cols: {
            dtype?: "float" | "int" | "int8" | "float64" | "float32" | "float16" | "bool" | "str" | "date-time" | "file" | "bytes";
            gen_config?: null | {
                frequency_penalty?: number;
                id?: string;
                logit_bias?: Record<string, any>;
                max_tokens?: number;
                messages?: {
                    content: string;
                    name?: null | string;
                    role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
                model?: string;
                n?: number;
                presence_penalty?: number;
                rag_params?: null | {
                    concat_reranker_input?: boolean;
                    document_ids?: string[];
                    fetch_k?: number;
                    k?: number;
                    rank_profile?: "bm25" | "semantic" | "hybrid" | "hybrid_log";
                    rerank?: boolean;
                    search_query?: string;
                stop?: string[];
                temperature?: number;
                tool_choice?: null | string | {
                    function: {
                        description?: string;
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<string, any>;
                    type?: string;
                tools?: null | {
                    function: {
                        description?: (...) | (...);
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<(...), (...)>;
                    type?: string;
                top_p?: number;
                user?: string;
            id: string;
            index?: boolean;
            vlen?: number;
        id: string;
        indexed_at_fts: null | string;
        indexed_at_sca: null | string;
        indexed_at_vec: null | string;
        lock_till?: null | number;
        num_rows: number;
        parent_id: null | string;
        title: string;
        updated_at: string;

  • Parameters

    • params: {
          column_names: string[];
          table_id: string;
          table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat";
      • column_names: string[]
      • table_id: string
      • table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat"

    Returns Promise<{
        cols: {
            dtype?: "float" | "int" | "int8" | "float64" | "float32" | "float16" | "bool" | "str" | "date-time" | "file" | "bytes";
            gen_config?: null | {
                frequency_penalty?: number;
                id?: string;
                logit_bias?: Record<string, any>;
                max_tokens?: number;
                messages?: {
                    content: string;
                    name?: null | string;
                    role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
                model?: string;
                n?: number;
                presence_penalty?: number;
                rag_params?: null | {
                    concat_reranker_input?: boolean;
                    document_ids?: string[];
                    fetch_k?: number;
                    k?: number;
                    rank_profile?: "bm25" | "semantic" | "hybrid" | "hybrid_log";
                    rerank?: boolean;
                    search_query?: string;
                stop?: string[];
                temperature?: number;
                tool_choice?: null | string | {
                    function: {
                        description?: string;
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<string, any>;
                    type?: string;
                tools?: null | {
                    function: {
                        description?: (...) | (...);
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<(...), (...)>;
                    type?: string;
                top_p?: number;
                user?: string;
            id: string;
            index?: boolean;
            vlen?: number;
        id: string;
        indexed_at_fts: null | string;
        indexed_at_sca: null | string;
        indexed_at_vec: null | string;
        lock_till?: null | number;
        num_rows: number;
        parent_id: null | string;
        title: string;
        updated_at: string;

  • Parameters

    • apiKey: string
    • projectId: string

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • header: string

    Returns void

  • Options for configuring the HTTP agent.


    • payload: HttpOptions

    Returns void

  • Options for configuring the HTTP agent.


    • payload: HttpsOptions

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • params: {
          column_map: Record<string, Record<any, any>>;
          table_id: string;
          table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat";
      • column_map: Record<string, Record<any, any>>
      • table_id: string
      • table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat"

    Returns Promise<{
        cols: {
            dtype?: "float" | "int" | "int8" | "float64" | "float32" | "float16" | "bool" | "str" | "date-time" | "file" | "bytes";
            gen_config?: null | {
                frequency_penalty?: number;
                id?: string;
                logit_bias?: Record<string, any>;
                max_tokens?: number;
                messages?: {
                    content: string;
                    name?: null | string;
                    role: "function" | "system" | "user" | "assistant";
                model?: string;
                n?: number;
                presence_penalty?: number;
                rag_params?: null | {
                    concat_reranker_input?: boolean;
                    document_ids?: string[];
                    fetch_k?: number;
                    k?: number;
                    rank_profile?: "bm25" | "semantic" | "hybrid" | "hybrid_log";
                    rerank?: boolean;
                    search_query?: string;
                stop?: string[];
                temperature?: number;
                tool_choice?: null | string | {
                    function: {
                        description?: string;
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<string, any>;
                    type?: string;
                tools?: null | {
                    function: {
                        description?: (...) | (...);
                        name: string;
                        parameters: Record<(...), (...)>;
                    type?: string;
                top_p?: number;
                user?: string;
            id: string;
            index?: boolean;
            vlen?: number;
        id: string;
        indexed_at_fts: null | string;
        indexed_at_sca: null | string;
        indexed_at_vec: null | string;
        lock_till?: null | number;
        num_rows: number;
        parent_id: null | string;
        title: string;
        updated_at: string;

  • Parameters

    • params: {
          data: Record<string, any>;
          reindex: null | boolean;
          row_id: string;
          table_id: string;
          table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat";
      • data: Record<string, any>
      • reindex: null | boolean
      • row_id: string
      • table_id: string
      • table_type: "action" | "knowledge" | "chat"

    Returns Promise<{
        ok: boolean;

  • Parameters

    • params: {
          chunk_overlap?: number;
          chunk_size?: number;
          file?: File;
          file_path?: string;
          table_id: string;
      • Optional chunk_overlap?: number
      • Optional chunk_size?: number
      • Optional file?: File
      • Optional file_path?: string
      • table_id: string

    Returns Promise<{
        ok: boolean;